Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Memahami Layout Photoshop CS3

mempelajari ruang kerja adobe photoshop untuk mempermudah belajar tutorial photoshop. Untuk pemula yang baru mengenal atau baru mempelajari Adobe photoshop, ada baiknya mempelajari terlebih dahulu area utama yang terdapat didalam adobe photoshop, hal ini dimaksudkan agar nantinya kita tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari Adobe photoshop lebih lanjut.

Layout Photoshop

Secara garis besar layout photoshop atau tampilan software adobe photoshop cs3 dapat kita bagi menjadi 5 bagian utama, yang mana kelima bagian utama inilah nantinya yang akan sering kita pergunakan untuk bekerja di lingkungan Photoshop.
5 bagian utama di photoshop :
  1. Menu Bar
  2. Option Bar
  3. Tool Box
  4. Kumpulan Pallete
  5. Kanvas Kerja

Menu Bar

Disini saya mengambil contoh Layout Photoshop default dari Adobe Photoshop CS3. Walaupun saat ini Adobe Systems Incorporated telah meluncurkan versi CS5 yang kaya akan fitur serta kemudahan dalam mengolah gambar digital akan tetapi versi CS3 masih tetap menjadi favorite untuk sebagian pengguna Adobe Photoshop alasan nya karna Adobe Photoshop CS3 dapat bekerja maksimal pada komputer atau laptop yang tidak memiliki spesifikasi tinggi

di dalam menu bar terdapat 9 menu utama yang di dalam menu utama ini terdapat lagi sub-sub menu yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsi dan kegunaan nya masing-masing, secara berurutan menu-menu utama dalam menu bar Adobe Photoshop CS3 adalah : File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, Windows, dan Help.

9 Menu Utama dalam Menu Bar
  1. File
    berisi sub menu untuk membuka, menutup, menyimpan dan bahkan export
  2. Edit
    Undo dan Redo adalah salah satu fungsi yang terdapat pada menu ini
  3. Image
    fungsi untuk kebutuhan editing gambar terdapat pada menu ini
  4. Layer
    menu untuk memanagement layer di dalam kanvas kerja Photoshop
  5. Select
    berisi fungsi-fungsi untuk mengatur seleksi
  6. Filter
    kumpulan sub menu di dalamnya digunakan untuk menciptakan efek-efek tertentu pada sebuah foto
  7. View
    Pengaturan kanvas kerja diatur pada menu view, baik itu zoom in, zoom out bahkan garis rulers
  8. Windows
    dipergunakan untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan Pallete dan komponen photoshop
  9. Help
    Dipergunakan untuk menampilakan bantuan penggunaan Adobe Photoshop

Option Bar

Secara Default letak atau posisi dari option Bar terdapat tepat dibawah Menu Bar Photoshop, opsi-opsi dari option bar ini akan selalu berubah-ubah sesuai dengan tool apa yang sedang kita gunakan, semisal pada saat kita mengaktifkan brush tool maka opsi pada option bar akan berisi pengaturan diameter dan ketebalan brush, kemudian kita juga dapat mengatur blending mode untuk brush, terdapat pula pilihan Opacity dan juga Flow, beda halnya saat kita mengaktifkan Crop Tool, maka option bar akan berisi berapa lebar serta panjang Crop yang akan kita lakukan, juga dapat pula kita input resolusi foto secara otomatis saat kita melakukan cropping. dibawah ini adalah contoh opsi dari option bar saat brush tool di aktifkan dan opsi yang tampil saat crop tool di aktifkan

Tool Box

Dalam bahasa yang sederhana Tool Box adalah sekumpulan alat-alat yang dipergunakan dalam mengolah gambar digital, dan masing-masing alat ini memiliki fungsi dan kegunaan yang berbeda-beda berdasarkan pengelompokannya. Tepat disebelah kiri dalam layout photoshopcs3 default akan kita lihat sekumpulan alat-alat yang nantinya akan kita pergunakan untuk kebutuhan pengolahan gambar, pada bagian atas dari tool box kita akan menemui kelompok alat yang dapat kita pergunakan untuk kebutuhan seleksi gambar, kemudian bagian selanjutnya tepat dibawah kelompok seleksi terdapat alat yang dapat kita pergunakan untuk melakukan cropping, lalu terdapat pula kumpulan alat untuk melakukan retouching, painting dan drawing, yang terakhir terdapat dibagian paling bawah dari tool box adalah alat-alat bantu yang menunjang kita dalam mengolah gambar.

Kumpulan Pallete Photoshop

Bilah sebelah kanan dari Layout Photoshop akan diisi oleh Pallete-Pallete yang telah di kelompokkan berdasarkan fungsi dan kegunaan nya, secara default bilah sebelah kanan dari ruang kerja dari Adobe Photoshop CS3 akan diisi oleh Pallete Navigator, Histogram dan Info pada bilah kedua terdapat pallete Color, Swatches, dan Style. kemudian bilah paling bawah terdapat Pallete Layers, Channel dan Paths.
Tiap-tiap Pallete yang tampil dalam Layout Photoshop dapat kita sesuaikan ukuran dari pallete tersebut, dapat pula kita hilangkan seandainya pallete tersebut jarang kita pergunakan, atau bila suatu saat kita perlukan kita pun dapat memunculkan nya kembali pada menu bar : View – Windows

Kanvas Kerja Photoshop

Di Area inilah tempat kita melakukan olah digital, semua pengetahuan kita tentang tool photoshop akan dapat kita pergunakan pada kanvas kerja, pallete-pallete photoshop yang telah sebelumnya kita pelajari akan sangat berguna saat kita telah mulai melakukan edit foto pada kanvas kerja, pallete layer akan selalu mejadi pendamping anda dalam bekerja di photoshop, begitupun dengan pallete history yang akan membuat kemudahan dalam kita mengorganisir langkah-langkah apa yang telah kita kerjakan pada kanvas kerja, untuk melakukan edit foto dengan cepat, pallete action wajib dipelajari lebih dalam.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

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Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

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Senin, 08 Oktober 2012



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Pernah makek Webcam Max ?? nah trus d atas poto'a ada tulisan WEBCAM MAX gitu ?? ahh ,, bisa d atasi dengan patch ,, tinggal download dan jalanin selesai deh ,, ga ada tuh tulisan itu lagi, dan uda fullversion deh :))

Nah inti'a software ini bisa kalian gunain buat moto moto di kamar,, di ruang tamu,, di cafe, di kamar mandi dmn aja deh selama masih bawa laptop trus nyala,, cocok buat cewe cewe trus buat banteng melankolis (cucok) :D wkwkwk,,, tau dah ,,, pake aja dah ,, keren ni software :))

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Cara Install :

  • Extract File RAR yang uda elu Download.
  • Buka Folder hasil Extract tersebut dan jalanakan File WebCamMax.exe.
  • Install WebcamMax Sampai Proses Selesai.
  • Exit atau Tutup Program Untuk melakukan Aktivasi.
  • Copy File patch.exe yang berada didalam Folder Activation dan Taruh atau Paste Ke Folder instalasi yang terletak Di C:\Program Files\WebcamMax.
  • Jalankan Patch.exe (Run administrator for Win7) dan Klik Tombol Patch.
  • Sementara Matikan Koneksi internet untuk Melakukan Aktivasi.
  • Jalankan WebcamMax Lewat Desktop icon Lalu klik icon webcamMax yang ada di pojok kiri atas.
  • Pilih Enter SN, Masukan saja sembarang ANGKA (EX: 987654321).
  • Setelah itu akan ada peringatan connetion error, Silahkan lu Klik MANUAL.
  • Copy Machine data yang tampil.
  • Jalankan Keygen.exe lalu paste Machine data ke kolom CODE, lalu klik Generate.
  • Kemudian Copy Unlock code Yang Diperoleh.
  • Lakukan Registrasi WebcamMax dan Gunakan Unlock code Tersebut.
  • Have Fun and Good Luck

How to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation


How to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation

In this tutorial, we’ll manipulate a picture so it looks like a woman burning in flames. The idea behind this manipulation was to create a nice looking illustration, only by using simple techniques and tools such as the Brush tool and Warp command. I hope you enjoy the tutorial and try it with your own stock imagery
Editor’s note: This tutorial was originally published on Psdtuts in January 2009.

Step 1

For this project, I used two nice images that suits for the manipulation; image1image2. I would like to thank the author of this two great pictures, which is thiquinho and huibidos from sxc.hu. And before we continue with the steps, I need to inform you that this tutorial is written using Photoshop CS3.

Step 2

Let’s start with image1, open and duplicate this image by using the Image > Duplicate command from the menu bar. In the Duplicate Image dialog box, you can name it anything you like, but to follow this tutorial reference, name it "PassionFire" and hit OK. By doing this, we kept the original image. Be sure to save.

Step 3

With the "PassionFire" image active, duplicate the "background" layer. Set the foreground and background color to black and white by pressing D on the keyboard. Click the "background" layer again and fill it with the foreground color ~ which is set to black. See the images below.

Step 4

Reactivate "Layer 1," then press Command + Shift + U to apply desaturate command. Now invert the color by pressing Command + I. Your image should look like a film’s negative now.

Step 5

Duplicate "Layer 1," then apply the find edges filter from Filter > Stylized > Find Edges. Next, invert the color by pressing Command + I and change the Blending Mode to Hard light. There, your image now has contrast white line and a very dark background.

Step 6

To give the white line more contrast, duplicate the "Layer 1" copy then change the Blending Mode to Screen.

Step 7

Now we move to the second image. Drag image2 into "PassionFire" document image window using the Move tool. If the Paste profile mismatch dialog appears, just click OK to fix it.

Step 8

The fire image from "image2" should be in "Layer 2" now. Change its Blending Mode to screen, this will hide all the black colors in "Layer 2." If done right, your image should be similar to the one below.

Step 9

Duplicate "Layer 2" by pressing Command + J. Make sure you use the Screen Blending mode, same as the original "Layer 2." Next, make "Layer 2" become invisible by hiding it from the layers panel.

Step 10

Click the "Layer 2 copy" to make it active, then use the Free Transform command ( Edit > Free Transform) to rotate and resize the fire image like shown below. Don’t forget to press Enter when you’re done transforming.

Step 11

Still in the same layer, now use the warp command (Edit > Transform > Warp) to bend the fire image – so it following the hair flow. Press Enter when done. See the example below as a reference.

Step 12

If you feel the result is not quite good enough, simply use the Liquify filter to fix it. I assume you already know how to use the liquify filter; the Forward Warp tool and Twirl Clockwise tool is the only tool I used to get this result (see image below).

Step 13

Duplicate the "Layer 2" copy, then use the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image in the current layer. Don’t forget to reposition the fire image too. Once you get this composition (see image below), hit Enter.

Step 14

Repeat the previous process to get the hair covered with fire. Just duplicate and modify the layer until you get all the hair part covered. If needed, use the Liquify Filter again. The end result of this process should look like the image below, notice how many layers are used.

Step 15

Okay, now activate "Layer 2" and make it visible again. Then Change the Blending Mode to Vivid Light. This step will colorize only the white line in the layer below it.

Step 16

Still in "Layer 2," apply the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image like shown below. The purpose is to cover up the girl’s body and hair with the fire texture. Press Enter when you’re done transforming.

Step 17

We’re gonna blur the fire image in "Layer 2," To do so, apply the Gaussian Blur filter from the Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur menu. Fill the Radius around 10 to 15 pixels, then click OK when done. Blurring the fire image will cause its texture to blend smoother with the layer below it.

Step 18

Now add a layer mask to "Layer 2." Then use a soft round Brush tool with Opacity at 100%. Set the brush size according to your need, then just mask until the fire outside becoming hidden. See the process below.

Step 19

Sure we will remove the white line shown in the image (marked in red rectangle below). First, add a new blank layer below "Layer 2." Then simply paint it with black using the soft round brush tool.

Step 20

Now go to the top most layer (mine is: "Layer 2 copy 6"), add two adjustment layers which is Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast. Careful not to change the layer adjustment order, or the color effect will be wrong. Below you can see the setting I used to complete this step, also pay attention to the adjustment layer order.
By adding a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, we unify all colors. The Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer brings more color contrast and makes sure the image color’s looks like real fire.

Step 21

I’m sure you notice the fire sparks effect. I create it using the Brush tool with this simple setting. No special brush needed, but if you have one that will be useful then feel free to use it. Below you can see all the settings I used within the Brush palette, of course you can change the setting as you like. Just make sure the brush spatter enough and vary the size.

Step 22

Now to use the modified brush, create a new blank layer below the adjustment layers ( mine is named "Layer 4"). Choose 50% gray from the swatches palette, then you can start creating the fire sparks. Remember not to be monotone, resize the brush size if needed. I start using a big sized brush, then reduce it to smaller size (you can change brush size faster by pressing the bracket keys on the keyboard ).
If you’re not sure how to do this steps, just imagine where and how the fire sparks will flow if it was real fire. For me, imagining stuff is very helpful.

Step 23

To make it more interesting, create a new layer and change the Blending Mode to Screen. Then use a normal soft round brush (not the one we modified earlier), with an Opacity of 50%. Just click in the part of body, neck, and hair. I’m not sure how to explain this, but you can see the difference between the above and below images.


And that’s all of it! Hope you learned something new and had fun. You can view the final image below or view a larger version here.

How To Create A Vibrant Image Using Photoshop

  • In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to add more energy and dynamism to a photo. The effects can be extended and used on a multitude of photos to create a feeling of motion and vibrancy to a static image.
    The tutorial was created and written by renowned artistMike Harrison (a.k.a. destill) and this is his first tutorial for a blog. His work has been featured in Computer Arts and Advanced Photoshop magazines.
    OK, enough of an introduction, and on with the tutorial…

    Step 1

    Start by choosing an image similar to this one of someone jumping in the air (original image). Pick an image that you feel has a lot of energy already, even before you’ve added everything else. Create a new document at A3 size with 300dpi, or if you prefer slightly smaller, then go for A4 300dpi.

    Step 2

    Drag your image into the new document and grab the pen tool, carefully start adding point by point until you’ve drawn around the entire body of the girl. Hit A to select the path selection tool and right click on the path>create vector mask. This will give us a clean edge and knock out the background, ready for us to add our own.

    Step 3

    With a blank background, let’s create some instant depth to this piece by adding a gradient. So select the gradient tool and keep it black to white. Now drag from the bottom right to top left, but drag over the canvas edges so that it sort of goes from dark grey to light grey.

    Step 4

    Now I sometimes like to get colour palette and tone sorted early, and in the case of this piece let’s do just that. What we’re going to do is something ever so simple but very effective in creating the mood of the piece. In the menu go to Layer>New adjustment layer>Gradient map. Now choose the preset blue, red to yellow gradient, hit ok and set this layers opacity to 40%. It looks a bit washed out, so something you should always do is add a couple more adjustment layers and for this piece we’ll add one for brightness/contrast, set to +8 for brightness and +28 for contrast, and one for levels which we’ll set to 15, 1.00 and 246 for the 3 input boxes.

    Step 5

    Let’s give some pop to the girl and add some lighting. Ctrl+click on the original stock layer to create a selection around the girl, then on a new layer, grab the brush tool and using varying sizes and the flow set to around 24%, begin brushing areas you think would look good with some white light on them. Then lower the opacity to around 15-35%.

    Step 6

    Give the piece some instant energy appeal by adding some diagonal stripes in the form of random geometric selections filled with a pattern. Create a new document 40 x 40 pixels and create a shape similar to the screenshot on the left below, make the background transparent then Ctrl+A and go to Edit>define pattern. Now back to your main document and create some random geometric selections with the polygonal lasso tool andEdit>Fill them with your pattern. Keep them in the direction of the energy of your person in the piece and make some black, some white.

    Step 7

    Time to add some big bright coloured shapes to get this piece moving. Again with the polygonal lasso tool, create some big geometric multi-sided shapes, and with the gradient tool set from red to yellow, fill your selections and position/transform until you have a nice arrangement. Place them above or behind the diagonal striped shapes, whatever you feel looks good.

    Step 8

    Now start to layer it up by adding lots more shapes of various sizes over and behind the girl. Do what we did in the last step by using the polygonal lasso tool and create sharp shapes. Fill some with a black to white gradient, others with a yellow to transparent or red to transparent, play around with it until you’ve padded out the illustration with a nice amount of shapes.

    Step 9

    Looking good? I thought so. Now let’s get some detail worked into this piece. To do this lets create some shards to enhance to energy of the piece. Grab the polygonal lasso tool again and create a small angular shape, hold down shift and create another. Repeat this several times until you have a bunch of shapes. Then fill them with black/white and position. You could also use the pen tool, but in this instance the lasso tool is better as the shapes will feel more erratic and unplanned, which is what we want.

    Step 10

    Time to develop the piece some more. Grab the polygonal lasso tool (yet again) and create some more selections, but keep these quite square and not as sharp to provide some contrast to the other shapes we created earlier. Fill with black and apply a gradient overlay with the settings shown in the screenshot below. Notice the effect on the girls arm, it’s now showing through as a solid shape because of the lighting we added to her in step 5. So place a shape behind that layer so it shows through, also feel free to create this effect with other body parts of the girl.

    Step 11

    For some added energy, flow and detail we can add some thin lines to the image, both over the top of most layers and some right in the background. So grab the line tool and set it to 2 pixels wide, on a new layer start drawing some lines in the direction of the rest of the shapes, don’t go too crazy with them though, keep them subtle. Now make the line tool 1 pixel wide and on another new layer draw some more lines, almost as if the lines are fragmenting.

    Step 12

    To further enhance the energy let’s create some light streaks. So create some more thin sharp shapes and fill them in white. Go to filter>blur>motion blur and make the angle the same as the angle of your shape, with the distance set quite high to around 4-500. Duplicate and arrange some shapes and play with opacity and blending modes for more interest.

    Step 13

    The image is now looking great but it’s not quite complete, it needs some finishing touches. So create some more particles with the pen or lasso tool and fill them with white and position them behind most of the layers. Also create some larger shapes with subtle gradients and overlay blending mode to give off a nice look, position them as you’d like to achieve a nice balance. I’ve marked out where I’ve added some extra shapes to using selections in the screenshot below.

    Step 14

    Almost there, and to make things abit more dynamic for some of the shapes. Grab the brush tool at a size around 900 with the flow set to around 15-20%. Gently brush onto areas to lighten it up, be very subtle with this though as you don’t want to kill it. Then lower the opacity to blend it in nicely.

    Step 15

    For the finishing touch well, you may not be a fan of textures but I am, and for this piece it will work really well. Find a high res paper texture like the one in the screenshot and drag it above all layers in your main document, scale it up to fit if needs be and set the blend mode to color burn with opacity at around 40%. This makes the colours really come to life and makes the image more moody.

    Step 16

    So there we are, check the finished image below! With images like this, there is a minimalist route and a more chaotic route where we could have kept on going adding more and more shapes. But in this instance we’ve settled for something in the middle with a really nice balance.
    Written exclusively for WDD by Mike Harrison. You can see more of his work at his websitedestill.net
    Don’t let me stop you adding more elements, do whatever you feels looks good, just don’t go over the top. I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial – please share your comments below…